Senior Sexuality

As we get older, the reality is that our body is changing in lots of different ways. But change isn’t always a bad thing. Sex into our “autumn years” can continue to be enthralling, awe inspiring and gratifying. And if it hasn’t been up to this point, there’s no time to start like the present. Together we can redefine what sex means for you, even if there have been significant changes to the health of you, your partner, or both. I can help educate you about positioning and other tools and toys that can make sex a more pleasurable experience.

Whether you’re just looking to spice things up with a new or longstanding partner, you find yourself in a relationship where there is a mismatch in desire, or perhaps you are exhausted by your role as a carer for someone with a chronic illness, there’s something we can do. I can help educate you about new ways to invigorate your relationship and to make intimacy a more pleasurable experience, so that both you and your partner can have your needs met while feeling satisfied.

Sex therapy helps you explore the root of the issue and empowers you to take control of your situation, helping you to change your thinking and promote healthier patterns of behaviour.

-Recovering sex life after an illness/injury (ex: cancer, heart attack, prostate issues and others)
-Sexual changes after menopause
-Desire discrepancies between you and your partner
-Managing the sexual side of a caregiving relationship and maintaining both partners’ satisfaction
-Male sexual health issues (premature or delayed ejaculation, erection difficulties)
-Female sexual health issues (difficulties with desire, orgasm, pain during intercourse)
-Recovery from infidelity
-Compulsive sexual behaviours/internet addiction
-Chronic pain which affects sexuality

**Please note that sex therapy does not include sexual contact between therapist and client.
**Sexual surrogacy services are not part of sex therapy